UAB „Elsis PRO“ has won a public tender announced by the International School of Law and Business (hereinafter referred to as the ISLB) whereby it planned to acquire the services of the development and implementation of an IT tool for the management of documents and data of internal study quality management system as well as for the management of key performance indicators (measuring, monitoring and evaluation) in connection to the implementation of the project “Improvement of the system for the internal quality ensurance of the International School of Law and Business” in accordance with the measure VP1-2.1- ŠMM-04-K “Increasing the efficiency of a study system” of a 2007 – 2013 Human Resources Development Operational Programme, Priority 2 “Lifelong Learning”. The total value of the agreement is LTL 338 000 including VAT.
The IT tool for the management of documents and data of internal study quality management system as well as for the management of performance indicators (measuring, monitoring and evaluation) is an integral part of an internal study quality management system of the ISLB, which is currently being developed. The IT measures that are being installed will help to efficiently manage the ISLB study quality management system, which is based on the following standards and recommendations:
- LST EN ISO 9001:2008 (ISO 9001:2008) Quality Management System,
- EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management);
- BSC (Balanced Scorecard) Principles of Balanced Scorecard,
- LST ISO 26000:2010 (ISO 26000:2010) Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility.
The IT tool for the management of documents and data of internal study quality management system as well as for the management of performance indicators will be made up of two major modules:
1) IT module for the management of quality management system documents and data entries, which will include all the functions of the quality management system documents, data entries and information management, recording of discrepancies (recording, correcting, monitoring) of the entire institution from the institutional level to the level of each employee.
2) IT module for the measuring, monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators, which will allow to implement the management of internal study quality management system and ensure the overall functioning of measuring and evaluation of the quality management system.