Document (notification) management and data processing system has been installed at Financial Crime Investigation Service

Elsis pro

Private limited company “Elsis PRO” has successfully implemented the project “The services of creation, installation and training on the use of the document (notification) management and data processing system“. The client is the Financial Crime Investigation Service under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter FCIS).

During the implementation of the project, the Document (notification) management and data processing sub-system was developed and installed (hereinafter the DMDPS), integration interfaces with other information systems and registers were created, system users were trained, comprehensive system documentation was prepared. DMDPS is an integral part of the Money laundering prevention information system of FCIS (MLP).

As a result of the project, the following services were created for the users of DMDPS and data providers:

  • the data base has been updated, in which the data of documents (notification) received by the FCIS will be collected along with their risk assessment information;
  • a document (notification) management and data processing system was created and installed, the basis of which is functionality of document (notification) analysis and their risk assessment and management;
  • 12 integration interfaces with external systems, registers and databases were installed to ensure that the data that are necessary to calculate the risk criteria according to the document (notification) data analysis and evaluation criteria and their application methodology are automatically received;
  • a data submission portal of FCIS was created, in which data suppliers will be able to meet their obligation to submit the data on cash operations and suspicious operations and sign them by a qualified e-signature;
  • a public electronic service was created to authenticate the users of FCIS data supply portal;
  • an electronic service for provision of cash money operation services was created;
  • the measures allowing registering and compiling data about the actions of the employees of FCIS and other institutions by working with data were created; data safety was ensured;

Private limited company “Elsis PRO” ensured timely and high quality implementation of its obligations, implemented all its contractual obligations and met the requirements foreseen in the agreement and the annex of the agreement “Technical specification”. The client’s evaluation of the service quality was positive.