Data collection from gas accounting devices information system

Elsis ts
Project full name:



AB „Amber Grid“


2018/11 – 2021/03


Gas-main pipeline supervisory control and data acquisition systems (projects in Lithuania);

Project description:

Project goal is to modernize the technological process control system of the gas transmission operator. During the implementation of the project, the unified but technologically obsolete control system of the gas transmission system, which had served for more than 20 years, was divided into two separate systems. The control of technological processes, including collection of technological data, which was taken over by the new SCADA IS, was physically and technologically separated from gas accounting, including collection of data from gas accounting devices and parameters of gas chemical composition. This step allows to optimize the operation of both critical systems, significantly reduce the load on the technological network and thus increase the security and reliability of the control of the entire gas transmission system.

The DAPDS system collects data from various gas metering devices – flow computers, gas volume conversion devices (PTZ/TZ-correctors), chromatographs or gas composition analyzers installed in technological objects – gas distribution, metering and compressor stations. The system reads more than 10,000 different parameters (data points).

The SCADA is based on Yokogawa Electric Corporation’s FAST/TOOLS® product for efficient process control.  A specialized web-based Gas Accounting software module (GUI) has been developed to configure gas accounting devices in the objects, analyze and (re)calculate gas volumes from various sources and to evaluate chromatographic data. Oracle DB (Historian) is used to collect historical data. In addition, SAP Business Objects BI Suite – a powerful business analytics and reporting tool was installed allowing to perform drill-down analysis of accumulated data and create customized reports.

The system integrated with 3 internal systems: GIS, SCADA, GDPAS).

Because the SCADA system controls critical gas infrastructure, special attention is paid to reliability, availability and security requirements:

  • 999% system availability rate, which means that the system may not work, be inaccessible to users for only 5 minutes per year;
  • Double system reliability (redundancy), which is realized by implementing redundant dual-HAC (High Availability Computing) configuration, i. the system is installed on 2 servers (Active-Hot Standby);
  • The highest database reliability guaranteed by the Oracle DB Extended RAC cluster;
  • IT security is ensured by using advanced IBM Qradar Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution, which allows to proactively fight with internal and external threats by collecting and analyzing log entries generated in real time by the company’s internal (technological) network equipment and system application software.

The project is being executed taking advantage of the Operational Programme for EU Structural Funds Investments for 2014-2020.