Payment gateway (MOKA)

Elsis pro
Project full name:

Payment gateway (MOKA – MGW)




2009 /04 – 2011 /03



Project description:

Created MOKA-MGW application will perform transport function between new STI accounting system and banks. A new interface for integration with new STI accounting system is created. Expanded link with banks implementing new web-service based interface that meets ISO-20022 standard recommendations. Interface with Swedbank supplemented with Telehansa functionality. The implementation of ISO-20022 standard interface includes not only currently used functions (on-line, daily statements, payment orders, etc.), but also functions that will be mandatory in the future – SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area), debit orders. The interface features: (i) On-line and daily account statement adoption from the bank; (ii) Local, international, SEPA payment instructions transfer to the bank; (iii) Currency excahnge instruction transfer to the bank; (iv) Debit payment orders transfer to the bank; (v) Debit operations transaction and cancellation transfer to the bank;

Expanded electronic signature usage possibilities – now it is possible to sign not only by means of specialized electronic signatures, provided by the bank, but also by means of electronic signature integrated in the certificate of state employee.

Technology used

Oracle DB 10g/11g, Oracle Application Server, Object Relational Mapping: Oracle Toplink, WEB: Java Server Faces, Facelets , XHTML, JBoss Rich Faces, Javascript, ActiveX, Digital Signature : DigiDoc, XADES-BES, EsteID card software, Personal Identity card software, Java crypto API, Security: WS-Security (SOAP message signing and encryption), JMS message body signing and encryption, Bouncy Castle Security API, SSL, OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol).