Meteorological data editing and visualization installation
Period:2008/02 – 2008/04
Solutions:Hydrometeorological monitoring system;
Project description:The meteorological data editing and visualization system (MDEVS), provided by French manufacture “Corobor Systemes” is a sophisticated complex of different technical and software devices consisting of the servers and work stations, big size LCD screens, LAN and WAN networks, system and specialized software, and other equipment. Based on the contract signed, specialists of the company will ensure an uninterrupted functioning of the system, its operative maintenance and technical support.
The MDEVS installed at the main LHMT departments provides the specialists – weather forecasters with the possibility to use the world level systems for meteorological observation and forecasting, data receipt, analysis and visualisation, increases information operativeness, the efficiency of forecasts and warnings enabling to reduce the effect of unfavourable hydro meteorological conditions on economic activities, environment and people. Since now data received from different sources both, in Lithuania and outside its territory, will be analyzed, systemized and circulated to the users by electronic communication devices much more operatively.